Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


One Minute Activist

This Page Last Updated Dec 29, 2010

This page is for when you can only spare one minute-a-month to protect our area's natural majesty and our fragile democracy.


Stop the Outrageously expensive "Regional" Desal and Support the "Right-Sized Solution" in Sand City

You can Call your elected officials and respectfully ask them to --

"Publicly Support the 'Right-Sized' Desal Solution at Sand City - created by the Water Management District."

Especially call --

Assemblyman Monning - 649-2832

Thank your Water District Representatives - 658-5651

All Local Elected Officials

Donate to HOPE's Litigation Fund

Poison Oak Smoke Kills - Stop Burning Fort Ord

Call Congressman Sam Farr and ask that he demand the EPA provide a Human Health Study on the deadly Smoke from burning square miles of Poison Oak at Fort Ord. 

649-3555 (office)

424-7099 (office fax)

Auto-Prepare email letter to Senators Boxer & Feinstein Objecting to Burning Fort Ord

Stop the Big Sur River Water Grab by Jimmy Hill of El Sur Ranch

Cal Your County Supervisor -

Stop Aerial Spraying of our Monterey Peninsula with Powerful Pesticides

Call Congressman Sam Farr’s Office. Let him know if you are outraged that he supports spraying our neighborhoods, our children and our imperiled wildlife with untested pesticides. Tell him you want him to support non-spraying alternatives and for him to publicly support an Environmental Impact Report on the crops dusting of our children.

From Monterey – 649-3555

From Santa Cruz – 429-1976

Clint Eastwood's Pebble Beach Company Forest Destruction Golf Course Development Could Cause Extinction of our Native Monterey Pine Forest.

(2009 Dec 17) Update - Pebble Beach Company Abandons Forest Golf Course proposal -- in exchange for support for 90 more mansions, a new 100 room hotel at Spyglass Hill, a huge new parking lot and major expansion of existing hotels and agreeing to genuinely protect 635 acres of healthy native Monterey pine forest ecosystem (and the ability to sue ovver the 2007 approval).

(Update – as of June 13th , 2007 the Coastal Commission has stopped this project!!!)

The Forest has Won

County General Plan

September Ranch is Back

Early Warning - AMBAG (Local) Clearinghouse Newsletter

State Clearinghouse CEQA filings

How to Comment How to Appeal

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831 / 624-6500 P.O. Box 1495, Carmel, CA 93921