Helping Our Peninsula's Environment


"Solid 'no growth' sentiment among Monterey Peninsula voters."

-Monterey Herald Editorial, November 7, 1996

Caring for our environment is universal - 

Most American voters (76-percent) consider themselves to be 'environmentalists' or 'pro-environment.'

Most American voters (80-percent) say the environment is important to the health of them and their families.

- 1997 Survey made for the anti-environmental corporate funded (Phillip Morris) group - Citizens for Sound Economy.

"No-Growth Movement Can Declare Victory."

-Carmel Pine Cone Editorial, April 13, 2001

The Monterey County Herald, Thursday November 7, 1996

Herald Editorial

"What the voters told officials"

"Its always a bit of a dance to speculate on what local election results 'mean.' And the broad range of seats and issues before voters this year make that even more of a challenge."

"But a few patterns do seem to hold up across several races. One is a solid 'no growth' sentiment among Monterey Peninsula voters. Voters rejected Measure M, thus rejecting the Rancho San Carlos project that the Board of Supervisors had approved. Arguments about impacts on traffic and water apparently carried the day. No growth also fueled the initiative drive to change countywide procedures for approving development projects in unincorporated areas. ..."

"Meanwhile Dave Potter defeated Jeff Davi in the race for 5th District supervisor, in part because he was perceived as less 'pro-growth' than his opponent." 

(dd: Davi also lost the 1992 Supervisor race to Sam Karas. Davi was for the Hatton Canyon Freeway, Karas opposed it.)

Monterey County Herald top headline Wednesday, November 8, 1995

"Voters soundly reject Carmel River dam"

"The vote margin was 57 percent to 43."

Monterey County Herald top headline Nov 7, 2001

"Incumbents lose in key races"

"Environmentalist Judi Lehman knocked union leader Ron Chesshire off the board of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District in Tuesday's election, seemingly ending the political split that has sometimes deadlocked the contentious panel for the past two years. Lehman solidly defeated Chesshire by a count of 1,228 to 954"

Monterey County Herald top headline Wednesday, November 3, 1999

"Dam foes win water seats"

"Election of Erickson, Lindstrom shifts water board majority"

"Two anti-dam candidates were elected to the board of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District on Tuesday... Its the first time in the District's 21-year history that the board will be opposed to building a new dam."


Even developers recognize we always vote against growth.


Remember how we resoundingly voted down the Carmel Valley Dam? 57% to 43%?

Q. What did Cal-Am do immediately afterwards?

A. They came out with their "No-growth" Dam.


Q. Why did Pebble Beach Company and Clint Eastwood put Measure A on the ballot?

A. Because Clint feared we would put their project on the ballot. Their Measure A was almost purely intended to prevent a public vote against their project.


Sadly, we do not vote nearly as well for public officials as we do against growth. But even so, Sam Karas and Dave Potter were both primarily elected as Peninsula Supervisors because they opposed the Hatton Canyon Freeway while their losing opponents supported it.


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This Page Last Updated Jan 22, 2005