Helping Our Peninsula's Environment

Current Projects & Positions

This Page Last Updated December 29, 2010

Early Warning Local - AMBAG Clearinghouse Newsletter

How to Comment

Early Warning - State Clearinghouse CEQA filings

How to Appeal a Bad Decision

Recent Letters on Projects by HOPE



Water --

Support the only "Right-Sized" water project - that we get to vote on - the Water District's Sand City Desalination Plant combined with other small alternatives.

Water --

Stop the Developer's colossal Growth-forcing (and Democracy destroying) Water projects at Moss Landing and Marina - called the "Regional Desalination" project. This is the one the PUC illegally approved in December 2010.

Development of Iconic Big Sur -

Keep Pt Sur the most beautiful place in the world. Help protect it from from Turning into a Hotel / Resort

Air Pollution --

Stop Burning Fort Ord every Fall - Mileswide Smoke so thick it shorted out power lines and sent Spreckels schoolchildren to the hospital !

Forest -

* Protect Monterey Pine Forest Species & Habitat Preserves for Jeffers' Forest and surrounding Jack's Peak.

Tree Destruction --

Pacific Grove Council's Attempt to Stop Protecting Trees on Private Property - They are preparing to make all Tree protection "Voluntary" for the first time in generations.

* Monterey County General Plan Update

Stop Aerial Chemical Spraying of Monterey Peninsula

* County Local Coastal Plan Update

Pebble Beach Company

Measure A - the phony "Protect the Forest for Clint" Ballot Measure.

Dispel the harmful Myth that Monterey Pine Forests Need Burning for Their Health!

Stop Landwatch (that is not a misprint) from Forcing a General Plan allowing 40,000 new housing units and a 125,000 population increase on us.

Monterey City General Plan Update

September Ranch (It's Baaaaack!) & EIR

Monterey Bay Sanctuary Plan Update

Rat-Poison Planned for Your Drinking Water - Flouridation

Peninsula Water Allocation Plan Update (Water District) Last done in 1990 - before ESA listing of steelhead, red-legged frog and Order 95-10.

How California can get our $40 Billion back - by de-chartering the energy corporations who have overcharged us by at least $45 billion.

Recent Letters on Other Projects by HOPE

Carmel Local Coastal Plan and General Plan Update

Continual Building Approvals in spite of Our Water and Electrical Supply Emergencies

Pacific Grove General Plan & Local Coastal Plan (on hold for 5 years)

Smoke Quadrupling Approved

Campaign Finance and Conflict of Interest Reform for Pacific Grove

Cruise Ships - making deafening underwater noise, and persistently dumping hazardous waste.

Public Records Access  Improvements for Pacific Grove

Rancho San Carlos - 30 square mile Subdivision. Back for TWO MORE Subdivisions - Chamisal and Potrero in 2003. All approved.

Increased Public Notice for Development and Tree cutting and trimming in Pacific Grove

Highway Widening Threats - (Hwy 68, 152 and Moss Landing to Watsonville).

Sunshine Ordinance for Pacific Grove

Pacific Grove City Manager (Tom Frutchey) from telling "Recommending" Council People how to vote - days before the public gets to speak on any agendized subject.



Sunshine Laws -- 

In San Francisco, Public Records Only Cost a Penny per Page.

Open Meeting Violations

Requiring all governmental officials to tell the truth. Serious penalties for lying. A law could require serious penalties if Government Officials refuse to answer Questions or if they Lie.

Pacific Grove Hiding Our Public Records and Overcharging when they finally deign to let us copy them.

Publicly Noticing Interagency Meetings.

Outrageous Land Use Appeal Fees - County Raised theirs from $50 to $671. Pacific Grove charges up to $15,000 or more !!!

Kelp Harvesting Moratorium

Pacific Grove Sewage Spills City was sued under Federal Clean water Act as of July 2003, and settled in 2004. The settlement has court enforced deadlines for sewer repair. (Our letter to EPA)

Pacific Grove Tree Ordinance

Deadly Pesticide Use on Agriculture, Roads and Schools

PG Neighborhood Improvement Program

Cal-Am - Our Greedy Monopolistic for-profit Water Supply Corporation


Cannery Row Market Place II (Ocean View Plaza)


Send Forest Hill Manor - Back to Pacific Grove Planning Commission


U.S. EPA Trying Hard to Allow Imperiled Species Extinctions

Recent Letters on Other Projects by HOPE

Projects Done

Growth Inducing Carmel Highway One Climbing Lane

Supervisors approved California's First Deer Slaughterhouse in south Monterey County in 2002 - in the face of Texas and S. Carolina just closing their borders to Deer Importation because of the deadly Deer version of Mad-Cow Disease! 

A suit filed locally by several National Animal Rights groups in Aug 2002. The Judge ruled in Favor of the deer in June 2003 and requires an EIR if the project is to proceed!

Dangerous "science" report on Carmel River Flows by Jones & Stokes. Unanimously Repudiated and Rejected by Water Board July 2003

PG's 'Fairy Woods' (Investmark project between PG's David Ave & PB's Congress Ave) would destroy important Native Monterey pine forest Wildlife Corridor. On County Supervisors April 22, 2003 Agenda.

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